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Simon Boccanegra Poznan

A sudden illness of the acclaimed Polish baritone Artur Rucinski has prevented him from performing the concert version of “Simon Boccanegra” at the Teatr Wielki Opera v Poznan. His place will be taken by Luis Cansino who has already starred in this Verdian title at Národní divadlo Praha and in Bratislava and is considered a specialist in the Verdian repertoire. The only performance will be directed by the Principal Music Director of the Poznan Opera, maestro Marco Guidarini, who, curiously, previously directed Luis Cansino in "Rigoletto" in what was his debut, at that time, in Italy.



Vasco Fracanzani
Lerín Artists Management


Exclusivie territories: España, Portugal, Alemania, Austria, Reino Unido, Irlanda, República Checa, Suiza, Eslovaquia, Lituania, México, Perú, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay.
Non exclusive territories: Italia, Francia, Países Bajos, Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Vasco Fracanzani (vasco@lerinartists.com)
Calle Bruc 125 entresuelo, 08037 Barcelona
T: +34 933017548 | Cell. +34 610589730