OperaBase w
LuisNabucco 2000x500

CRÍTICAS (por personaje)

CRÍTICAS (por personaje)

La Wally
(A. Catalani)

Teatro Nacional de Sao Carlos, Lisboa (2020)

O experiente barítono espanhol Luis Cansino (Vincenzo Gellner) fechou o triângulo amoroso com uma veemência apropriada — por exemplo, na ária "La notte è oscura".
Jorge Calado ("Expresso")

Fuera de serie estuvo Luis Cansino, debutante en el personaje de Vincenzo Gellner. Este barítono es cantante auténtico, de generosos medios, homogéneo y con agudos brillantes y explosivos. Su confianza en la partitura y la exhibición de matices en algunos lugares hacen prever que su interpretación de este personaje se profundizará con el tiempo. En un mundo con escasez de verdaderos barítonos verdianos, Cansino es una opción valiosa.
Federico Figueroa ("Opera World")

Luis Cansino was also an excellent find as Gellner. The Galician baritone is the owner of a very big and resonant instrument, creating a huge column of sound. In a world deprived of true Verdi and Puccini baritones, he’s the genuine article. He was able to spin out a seductive legato as he tried to win over Wally, and he was also able to exclaim his rage without ever resorting to the need to hector. On the basis of this evening, I would definitely like to hear him as Scarpia or Jago.
Flâneur Lyrique ("Operatraveller.com")


Vasco Fracanzani
InArt Management


Vasco Fracanzani (fracanzani@inartmanagement.com)
Via San Gregorio, 53 - 20124 Milano
Tel. +39 02 97 37 41 66